Manning Park

Monday, January 18, 2021 – Thursday, January 21, 2021

Mid-week, 3 nights, arriving Monday January 18 and departing on Thursday the 21st, 2021.  Manning Park is a nearby destination with groomed trails, snowshoe trails, hot tub, swimming pool and other resort amenities.  Downhill opportunities are also available. We were not able to reserve space last year for this trip so many are looking forward to another visit to this beautiful area. Check out the website if you are unfamiliar with the resort.

We will have three dinners and three breakfasts.  Preparation and costs will be shared amongst all participants.  There are two spacious bedrooms each holding five people with three bathrooms total and a central living/dining area.  There are two bunk beds and a queen sized bed in each bedroom.

Cost per person TBD as Manning Park has not set 2021 rates.  Tentatively plan $150+.  This will be subject to change as Manning determines rates and the exchange rate fluctuates.

Bedding and linens are supplied and a minimally outfitted kitchen will meet our needs.

You must be a member to participate in any overnight trip.

Carla Stellwagen
