Salamander trip logs and pictures

Link back to map and description

Some additional information for those who are still thinking about it…

Trip logs

3/10/2022: Ski – Snowshoe – Ski. John and Pete had an enjoyable trip with no particular issues. About 6 hours, car to car, including lunch. Good conditions.

Start of Trail (bottom of White Salmon, SE Extension) March, 10, 2022

3/6/2023: Ski. Ryan went fairly soon after a nice snowfall and skied the whole trail. He reported that possibly snowshoes were more sensible, but that he had fun. He also was pretty quick! He posted pictures on Strava – (you need a free account to view them) and also posted the map on AllTrails –

Creek Crossing (with ski tracks!) March 6, 2023

3/24/23 Snowshoe. A couple of snowshoers went top to bottom. No issues, but they had to climb over a few logs and duck under a few snow-covered trees… Something like 5 hours for the trip. Good snow conditions.

Typical snow piles in trail, March 24, 2023